Pokémon 3: The Movie (2000) 7/10
Pokémon 3: The Movie follows the adventures of Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, and their friends as they encounter a mysterious girl named Molly Hale, whose father disappears while studying ancient ruins.
Pokémon: The Movie 3 is a standout entry in the early Pokémon film series, largely due to its unique and more emotionally charged story line. Released in Japan as Lord of the UNKNOWN Tower: Entei, the movie explores themes of loss, longing, and the impact of isolation through the eyes of a young girl named Molly Hale.
The plot centres around Molly, whose father, a Pokémon archaeologist, disappears after uncovering the mysterious Unown creatures. The Unown respond to Molly's desires for a family and transform her reality, creating an illusionary Entei to serve as her father. The story takes a dramatic turn as Ash and his friends get involved when Molly, in her wish-fuelled dream world, inadvertently kidnaps Ash's mother, believing her to be her own.
Visually, the film is impressive, featuring vibrant animation that brings the fantastical elements of the Pokémon world to life. The Unown and their ability to warp reality are depicted with creative flair, making for some of the movie's most visually captivating scenes.
The emotional depth of Pokémon: The Movie 3 is its strongest asset. Unlike many other Pokémon films that predominantly showcase battles and adventure, this movie delves into the psychological and emotional consequences of losing loved ones and the lengths to which one might go to replace them. It offers a poignant look at Molly’s struggles with loneliness and her journey towards understanding and accepting reality, themes that resonate with viewers of all ages.
In terms of music and sound, the film features well-composed tracks that enhance both the action sequences and the more tender moments, helping to solidify the film’s emotional impact.
Overall, Pokémon: The Movie 3 is a memorable and moving film within the Pokémon universe, known for its more serious tone and its thoughtful exploration of complex themes. It stands out not only as a good Pokémon movie but as a good film in general, appealing to both longtime fans and newcomers.
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